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Sydney Tang
The University of Hong Kong

Dr. Tang is Chair of Renal Medicine and Yu Professor in Nephrology at The University of Hong Kong. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN), Editorial Board member of Kidney International (KI), CJASN, and American Journal of Nephrology and Kidney Diseases. He is the immediate past President of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology and immediate past Chair of the CME Program Committee of the ISN. Locally, he serves the Hong Kong College of Physicians as Council Member and Chairman of the Specialty Board in Nephrology.


• 亚太肾脏病学会(APSN)主任委员(2022-2024)

• 全球改善肾脏预后委员会(KDIGO)执行委员(2020-2023)

• 国际肾脏病学会(ISN)CME Committee主任委员(2022-2024)•• JASN 副主编(2024-)

• NDT糖尿病肾病主题编辑(2014-2023);Nephrology主编 (2018-2022)

• KI, CJASN, AJN, Sem Nephrol, Kidney Diseases 编委

• WCN 2025 科学计划委员会副主席

• 香港大学卓越研究奖(2017)及卓越研究生导师奖(2024)获得者

• 香港肾科学会主任委员(2016-2018)

• 香港内科医学院理事(2021-)及肾脏病培训委员会主席(2023--)

• 发表SCI文章>330篇






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-10-16 11:00-11:30 第一会场:智悦厅

Session 3: The Nephritic Syndrome and Proliferative GN

讲者 Membranoproliferative GN and C3G
2024-10-17 09:30-10:00 第一会场:智悦厅

Session 8: The RPGNs

讲者 Pauci-Immune Glomerulonephritis