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Roser Torra
The European Renal Association

Prof. Roser Torra serves as the Chief of Clinical Nephrology and coordinates the Inherited Kidney Diseases (IKD) Clinic at the Nephrology Department of the Fundació Puigvert, Barcelona, Spain. She holds the position of Professor of Medicine at the UAB. She embarked on her journey in IKD in 1994 and completed her PhD on ADPKD in 1997. Since then, she has been deeply engaged in both clinical practice and research focusing on IKDs with over 200 national and international publications.

Prof. Torra's involvement extends beyond research and clinical practice. She served as the European Representative in the Independent Data Monitoring Committee of the TEMPO 3/4 study. Presently, she actively participates in numerous trials and projects IKD, both nationally and internationally, while also supervising doctoral theses on these diseases. She also serves as a reviewer/advisor in this domain for various journals, meetings, project evaluating agencies, and government policy-making bodies. Her expertise has been recognized in several KDIGO meetings. Prof. Roser Torra also serves as the site coordinator for the Spanish research network (RICORS2040) and for the European Reference Network (ERKnet).

Prof. Torra holds the position of President of the ERA (European Renal Association) from 2024 to 2027.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-10-18 08:30-09:00 主会场:两江厅

大会报告(三 )

讲者 Genetics in chronic kidney disease
2024-10-18 16:20-16:50 第一会场:智悦厅


讲者 Introduction of NDT and CKJ