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Hui Hugh Cai
Emory University School of Medicine

蔡晖教授目前是美国埃默里(Emory)大学医学院内科学教授,埃默里大学附属医院及亚特兰大美国退伍军人医院肾脏科主诊医师。蔡晖医师 同时完成了在中国和美国的内科住院医师和肾脏病科专科医师的培训。在完成在Johns Hopkins(约翰霍普金斯)医学院肾脏病专科医师培训后, 蔡晖留校担任内科学助理教授和主治医师,以后他转任Emory大学医学院肾脏科工作并从助理教授逐步晋升为正教授。蔡晖医师在美国从事临床和科研工作20多年,担任美国20多家杂志的特约审稿人。他的实验室主要研究WNK激酶对肾脏钠氯转运子和钾通道的调节作用及其与高血压的发病机制的相关性研究以及BK钾通道在纤维化发展中的作用。其研究课题曾多次获得美国国家卫生研究院,美国心脏协会和美国退伍军人部等的奖励和资助,至今已发表70余篇SCI论文。蔡晖教授是美国肾脏病协会教育委员会成员,美国内科医师协会, 肾脏病学会,生理学会和心脏协会等的会员以及美国肾脏病协会的高级会员(Fellow)。他现在担任美国医学研究联合会南方分会的常务理事 (Councilor),美国生理学-肾脏生理杂志的编委,美国肾脏生理和上皮细胞转运子前沿杂志的副主编,美国国立肾脏基金会基金评委,美国心脏协会科研基金以及退伍军人部基金会的终身评委.

Dr Hui Cai is currently a Professor of Medicine in Renal Division at Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia. He is an Attending Physician at both Emory University Hospital and Atlanta VA Medical Center. He has completed Internal Medicine Residency and Nephrology Fellowship trainings both in China and USA. He received clinical nephrology fellowship training at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He became an Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins after completing his fellowship. He was subsequently recruited to Emory University and risen from Assistant Professor to Full Professor now. He is currently an associate editor for Frontiers in Renal and Epithelial Physiology and an editorial board member for AJP Renal. He is currently a member for ASN Kidney Week Education Committee, ASN Fellow, AHA, American Physiological Society and NKF. He has served a reviewer for over 20 scientific journals including PNAS, JASN, KI, AJP, etc. He is a regular study section member for AHA, NKF and VA Merit award. His lab has been interested in the roles of WNK-ERK signaling in the regulations of sodium chloride cotransporter and roles of BK channel in fibrosis. His research projects have been funded by NIH, AHA, and VA Merit Award. 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-10-19 11:20-11:50 第一会场:智悦厅


讲者 Activation of BK channel ameliorates cardiac fibrosis in uremic cardiomyopathy