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Dong Zheng
Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University

美国佐治亚医学院Regents荣誉教授、Leon Charbonnier 冠名主任,VA医学中心研发主任; 中国“海外高层次人才”兼任中南大学湘雅肾病研究所特聘教授。长期从事肾脏病中细胞损伤、死亡与再生分子机制的研究。在国际杂志上发表论文370多篇,论文引用四万余次, H指数101。主编"细胞凋亡"(Essentials of Apoptosis, Humana Press)专著两版和”细胞死亡”专著丛书系列(Cell Death in Biology and Disease Series, Springer)。获美国心脏学会、肾脏学会、老兵部奖项。任中国科技部和基金委项目、杰青、长江学者, 美国卫生研究院(NIH)和老兵部(VA),英国、德国、法国等基金评委。 任American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 和 Kidney Disease副主编, JASN, Kidney International, American Journal of Physiology-Cell Pyhysiology 等国际杂志编委,并多年来担任美国肾脏学会(American Society of Nephrology)年会摘要评委、急性肾损伤评审主席、急性肾损伤顾问委员会委员,2010-2013年任美洲华人肾脏病学会主席 (Chinese American society of Nephrology)。


Regents Honorary Professor, Leon Charbonnier Title Director, and R&D Director at VA Medical Center, Georgia School of Medicine, USA; Chinese 'Overseas High level Talents' concurrently serve as a distinguished professor at the Xiangya Kidney Disease Research Institute of Central South University. 

Engaged in long-term research on the molecular mechanisms of cell damage, death, and regeneration in kidney disease. Published over 370 papers in international journals, cited more than 40000 times, with an H-index of 101. Editor in chief of two editions of the "Essentials of Apoptosis" (Humana Press) monograph and the "Cell Death in Biology and Disease Series" (Springer) monograph series. 

Received awards from the American College of Cardiology, Nephrology, and Veterans Affairs. Appointed as a project reviewer for the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, as well as for outstanding young scholars and Changjiang Scholars. 

Also served as a judge for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Veterans Affairs (VA) in the United States, as well as for funding programs in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and other countries. 

Served as Deputy Editor in Chief of American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology and Kidney Disease, Editorial Board Member of JASN, Kidney International, American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology and other international journals.

 For many years, served as a summary judge for the American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, Chair of the Acute Kidney Injury Review, and member of the Acute Kidney Injury Advisory Committee. From 2010 to 2013, served as President of the Chinese American Society of Nephrology.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-10-19 10:10-10:40 第一会场:智悦厅


讲者 DNA damage response in kidney injury and repair